Medical packaging. Portfolio.

Medical and Pharmaceutical Design Projects
– is my specialty.

I designed more than 20 boxes of medicine packaging. You might have seen some of my designs at pharmacies.

Have a look at pharmaceutical packaging and learn about my clients.

Разработка дизайна фармацевтической упаковки, Development of pharmaceutical packaging design

Design of medical packaging for a pharmaceutical company «Pharmaplaneta»

«Pharmaplaneta»— is a expert leader on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.

«Pharmaplaneta» is included in TOP-5 leaders – distributors of pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.

«Pharmaplaneta» has 20 years of experience in pharmaceutical research and manufacturing. 

 The company employs more than 1000 people. They are professionals able to solve complex production problems.

Website of «Pharmaplaneta»

Разработка медицинской упаковки

 Design of pharmaceutical packaging for the company «Sanwezza Lab»

SANWEZZA LAB – an Austrian company working in research and manufacturing of innovative pharmaceutical products: medicine, biological active additives, hygienic, sanitary and medical items.

Website of the company SanWezza

Pantralis pills packaging design, Пантралис design упаковки таблеток

Хочу design в этом стиле

Создание дизайна медицинской упаковки Бета-иммун, Beta-Immun medical packaging designРазработка дизайна медицинской упаковки препарата Уримиксол

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Фармацевтическая упаковка Супрафлекс design, Supraflex pharmacy packaging designСоздание дизайна упаковки медицинского препарата Венода, Venoda medical packaging designДизайн упаковки медицинского средства Аква синус, Aqua Sinus medical packaging design

Хочу design в этом стиле

Разработка упаковки детского медицинского препарата ЛактоЦельсиумДизайн детской медицинской упаковки Процельсиум

Do you also have a pharmaceutical company?


Packaging design for the pharmacy chain «Pani Apteka»

«Pani Apteka» – one of the dynamically developing pharmacy chain in Ukraine that develops the concept of pharm-market.

The first pharmacy was open 1997. Currently, there are 23 pharmacies in 12 regions of Ukraine.

Website of the company «Pani Apteka»

Pharmacy brandingСоздание дизайна аптечной упаковкиДизайн аптечной упаковки Дизайн упаковки салфеток

Хочу design в этом стиле

Дизайн упаковки для глазных капель 

«Ophthalm – Renaissance» – a modern pharmaceutical producer of effective eye drops.

Дизайн упаковки глазных капель, Eye drops packaging design

Design of medicine packaging for the pharmaceutical company «OTC PHARM»

OTC PHARM – a Russian pharmaceutical company producing effective and safe medicine for the customers.

The company has modern facilities used for production. I developed a brand book and a presentation for a medicine «Afobazol.»

Read about my design process

Have a look at the Afobazol website 

Разработка дизайна упаковки для фармацевтического продукта

I have developed a corporate identity for 25 medical companies and more than 35 medical packages.

More than 15 years of work experience

Создание презентации для фармацевтического препарата


+49 1517-2814-963
Anton Skrypnyk

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20 years of experience

in Web & Branding